Partner Marketing

Partnerships and the New Normal

One of my favorite things about partner marketing is that you can do it from anywhere. It’s a perk of our industry that I’ve not taken advantage of so far in my career, but I’m more grateful for it every day. Waking up to headlines of unemployment numbers not seen since the Great Depression puts […]


I help make the Internet free

When people ask what I do for a living, it usually results in me asking how much time they’ve got to listen to my response…


Why Atlassian’s Confluence is better than Google Docs for team collaboration

I’ve been advocating internally at work to move all conversational documents to Confluence instead of the Google Docs we’ve known and loved for years now. By “conversational documents,” I’m referring to product specs, project plans, brainstorming docs, or any other written thing where you are planning to solicit feedback in the form of comments. Don’t get me […]


What is an API Anyway?

Everyone’s got an API these days. Twitter, YouTube, SoundCloud, and Evernote are just a few of the companies that have popular APIs enabling developers to create new and exciting ways to interact with their products. But from a high-level perspective, what does an API actually do? And what can be done with it? The easiest way to describe it is this: […]